Monday, January 30, 2006

Monday, Monday

We said farewell to Keith yesterday. He is currently in Arkansas, learning all the ins and outs of being a CPA. He’ll be back for a visit in two weeks, and then will visit again a few times until the tax season is over, around April 15. Owen keeps reassuring me that Daddy will be back "after the nighttime." I can’t tell him any differently. Ari goes to the front window looking for him, yelling "DADA!" Of course, Ari did that even when Keith was here, sitting in the kitchen.

We also said farewell this week to our van. The engine apparently is no good, it needs a new engine. We looked for a van before Keith left, since he needed a car to get to Arkansas, and we didn’t find one. So he rented a car to get there. I don’t know if his plan is to get a new van, or put a new engine in the old one. I hope for the former, and plan on the latter. Our heater also went out earlier last week. Keith managed to fix that before he left. Between the van, the heater, the new washing machine we just got a few weeks ago, and my extensive dental work (payment #2 of 3 occurring this week), we are practically hemorrhaging money. It hurts, I tell you.

The Chicago trip went well. I wish it had been longer than just a day trip. I have a friend from high school up in Chicago, and I’d love to see him. But I just couldn’t fit it in on Thursday. My meeting went well, lunch was great, and the crème brulee was amazing. So it was pretty good.

This week is looking pretty tame, other than said dental work on Thursday and DORA LIVE! on Saturday. Tame is good when in charge of two small children, who wear one out with just their bedtime routine alone.

I apologize for the lameness of the blog as of late. There will hopefully come a day when I have something interesting to say again. Until then, it's the painful drivel of the day-to-day.

1 comment:

Marcie and BIll said...

Who is in Chicago?