We requested that the girls wear their most beautiful tea party attire, and they each showed up in beautiful dresses. I supplied jewelry, heels, gloves, boas, and pillbox hats (courtesy of Betsy), and the girls dressed up for pictures. They were very lovely!
Then we sat down with the girls and made necklaces, which was a great craft for this age, and I think the girls really enjoyed it. I know Eva did - just look at that face. (Ignore the weird date on the pictures - we definitely had some camera issues.)
Then we went to the lovely tea party table, with chocolate milk in the teapot, and had finger sandwiches, fruit salad, and petit fours (which were absolutely hideous, thank you local bakery - they were leaning, hot pink messes - but tasted pretty darn good).
Last but not least, Eva opened her gifts. And just as she finished, the boys and Keith returned home from their morning of whatever it is they did while we partied.
Eva looks like she had so much fun!! Everyone looked beautiful!
She is a little doll, girls are so much fun! Enjoy her while you can, boys will always be mommas boys but girls hold a special place, and when they are older they become friends not just children. They grow up too fast!
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