Tuesday, May 13, 2008

An Ogre!

These past few days I've tackled the kids' wardrobes, making the big move from winter clothes to summer clothes, packing up the too-small sizes, moving Owen's old things over to Ari's side of the closet, and so forth. It's kind of a huge undertaking, but when it's done, their closets are like a breath of fresh air for me. Today, while Owen was at school and I was cleaning out the boys' closet, I found a long-lost Shrek outfit. We bought this for Owen in 2005 when he was insisting on being Shrek for Halloween, but wouldn't wear any kind of mask on his face. He ended up in the ER that night, and didn't make it trick-or-treating, so he never wore it. But when Ari saw it, he immediately put it on.
And wore it all day long. In 80-degree weather. Even at nap. Even outside in the garden while we planted (it's in the wash now, alas, covered in mud). It was the cutest thing, and I was surprised that he was so into it. Dressing up is normally not his bag, but he was just hilarious today.

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